Delicious Christmas desserts | EAT ME

Written by Aimée | Online Marketeer | Nov 25, 2022 8:20:35 AM

Round off Christmas dinner with the most scrumptious desserts. Tasty and festive! There's so much to choose from for a Christmas dessert, so we've selected recipes to please everyone. Savoury, sweet or a combination: it's up to you!

Home-made mango ice cream

Show off your skills at Christmas dinner with this home-made mango ice cream. Although it takes some time to prepare, the ice cream is easy to make. And, because this dessert is gluten-free and lactose-free, even if you have an allergy, you can still enjoy this Christmas dessert.

Party fruit bowl

This festive Christmas fruit platter is a stunning showpiece. The easy preparation makes it an ideal recipe for a Christmas dessert. Also suitable for vegans and/or vegetarians - so a real crowd pleaser.

Yellow dragon fruit macarons

Not a full-blown range of desserts at Christmas, but a delicious cup of coffee? Then make these yellow dragon fruit macarons. Beautiful to behold, not too challenging to prepare and light enough to leave a little room for more after Christmas dinner.

Blueberry trifle in a glass

Trifles zijn heel makkelijk om te maken, en deze variant met de blauwe bessen heel erg lekker. Kies voor een echte kerstpresentatie, mooie glazen met een gouden of glitter randje. Dat maakt het feest compleet!

Mango passion fruit mousse

Een gemakkelijker recept dan deze mango-passievruchtmousse bestaat bijna niet. De zoete smaak van mango matcht heel goed met het friszure van de passievrucht. En niet onbelangrijk: het recept is glutenvrij, dus iedereen kan genieten!

Get inspired by more Christmas desserts!