Products Avocado
19 May 2021, laatste update 19 May 2021

Do your body a favour, with an avocado

EAT ME avocado

You will come across them in a large variety of recipes, from breakfast and lunch to dinner. Real foodies never skip a day. There is a reason why it is perhaps the most popular exotic fruit in Western Europe. We are talking about the avocado, that brown-green fruit that is conquering kitchens everywhere. And rightly so. Avocados are not only absolutely delicious, they also turn up on super food lists with great regularity. If you're watching your health, EAT ME avocados are simply a must-eat.

Fun quiz question: is the avocado a fruit or a vegetable? Experts tend to disagree on this sometimes. Per the official definition, the avocado is a fruit, even if it is also seen as a fruiting vegetable sometimes. That's because you will often find avocados next to cucumbers and tomatoes on the shelves. The Nutrition Centre sees it as a vegetable, because the avocado is usually eaten as a vegetable.

A very tasty piece of fruit

Nevertheless, the content really makes you think that you have a piece of fruit in your hands. And quite a delicious piece of fruit, too. Underneath their skin, avocados reveal tender and creamy flesh. Thanks to their slightly nutty taste, you can use avocados in a variety of recipes. There is always a large stone in the middle. (Tip: with a little patience and TLC, you can grow your own avocado plant. Just don't expect a bountiful harvest!)

How healthy are avocados?

If you are already eating EAT ME avocados regularly, keep doing what you are doing. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants: you will find so much of what our body needs every day in the fruit. Avocados are rich in unsaturated fats, for example. Unlike saturated fats, they are good for your cholesterol levels. The fruit also offers lots of vitamin B6. This is an important vitamin that boosts the natural energy in our bodies. B6 is also vital for the nervous system and helps to reduce fatigue. Avocado also has something else that is essential to that end: copper, which supports your immune system.

The colours of the avocado

You will come across avocados in different colours. The skin can be green, reddish brown or even almost black in colour. The colour of the skin does not tell you how ripe the avocado is: it's the variety that the grower uses that determines the colour. By the way, if you buy an avocado with an EAT ME label on it, you can eat it straight away. These avocados are always ready to eat.

The weight of an avocado

Not only colours are different, the weight varies too. Some specimens easily reach 250 grams on the scale, but there are also baby avocados of 100 grams. Big or small, green or brown: you can do anything in the kitchen with every type of avocado. Just check out the product page or the recipe page.

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