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Soup recipes with an exotic touch

Although soup is not always considered to be a complete meal, it really is an ideal way to put a healthy and nutritious...

Christmas starter recipes | EAT ME

Christmas starter recipes

Are you already planning your Christmas menu? It's always a challenge to serve something new and surprising each year....

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Christmas drinks party bites

5x the most delicious bites for the Christmas drinks party

Christmas drinks at home, with friends or with colleagues this year? No matter who you are joining to toast the festive...

How to store avocado | EAT ME

How to store avocado

An EAT ME avocado can easily be stored in the fridge for a few days. Already been sliced open? Then store it an...

How to tell if an avocado is ripe | EAT ME

How to tell if an avocado is ripe

An avocado is ripe when it feels a little soft if you gently squeeze it. But far easier: look out for the purple EAT ME...

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Is avocado a fruit or a vegetable? | EAT ME

Is avocado a fruit or a vegetable? At last - the definitive answer!

Fruit or vegetable? An EAT ME avocado is technically a fruit but it is eaten and used as a vegetable. So you can...

Are avocados good for you?

Avocados are extremely healthy. An EAT ME avocado mainly contains unsaturated fats. And avocados are also rich in...

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